Mountain range



Bocaina National Park is a vast area of protected Atlantic rainforest in the middle of Brazil. We are in a mission to help preserved it and you can help. Contact us for more.

Our purpose is to create the best tools at scale for global environmental impact

Forests are being destroyed world wide and it is affecting everyone.  Despite the awareness, there are no tools to facilitate the preservation. It’s hard to invest in preservation. It’s hard to know where the investment is used and it’s difficult to track long term impact and guarantees. 

Preservation is a must. Join us in our proposition to preserve 1% of the available preservable land in Brazil in the next 2 years.

It's time tackle the climate crisis

Enabling tech that allows digital asset creation and tracking preservation at low cost
Timing and demand of 
ESG actions with greater technological content

Our Solution

Our Preservation platform uses technology to disintermediate preservation, enabling true preservation in a verifiable way.

Digital Assets  – Creation of digital preservation assets compliant with forestry and crypto regulations 

Environmental impact  Compliance and Monitoring  (MRV Platform)

Carbon credits issuance digital tools 



An ESG platform that combines 3 powerful features for more efficient preservation: Preservation, Carbon Capture Credits, Environmental services 


Sustainability solutions

Environmental and Regulatory Compliance

Environmental assessment of rural property, by Geographic Information System GIS and intelligent search tools with cross-database ensuring regulatory compliance.

MRV Platform - (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification)

Use of a remote sensing system with satellites for conservation projects, REDD, others, including monitoring and alerts such as forest fires, deforestation, and monitoring of biomass.

Issuance of Carbon Credits

From forested areas registered on our platform, we develop projects to reduce deforestation, and the VCUs related to this area are linked to portions of the forest and their respective NFTs that are monitored by the platform.

Payments for Environmental Services (PSA)

Through rural properties registered and approved on the platform, we develop indices and information necessary to obtain payment for environmental services linked to forest conservation NFTs.

Preservation of Forested Areas / Voluntary Action

Land use change in forested areas exceeding Legal Reserves, as an environmental preservation action with the objective of expanding legally protected areas on a large scale through the use of NFTs.

Clearing Forest Bank

Negotiation of forested areas in excess of legal reserve for regularization of rural properties in accordance with the provisions of the New Brazilian Forest Code LAW No. 12,651, OF MAY 25, 2012 through Environmental Reserve Quota – CRA; Legal Reserve Easement – SRL, Legal Reserve Compensation – CRL and Compensation for Suppression of Forest Fragments.

Preservation Insights

The best spent dollar is in preservation, not restoration.

Our main go-to-market strategy is the forest surplus, which is a reality in almost all rural properties. These areas are already preserved. Our job is to convert them into a permanent preservation area, so that they cannot be deforested and the owner receives the financial incentive to take care of them.

Contact us

Preservaland Inc

548 Market St  / PMB 27696 / San Francisco, California


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